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Humor: anything off limits?


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  • 4 weeks later...
Its completely a matter of opinion, whats funny and whats not. I personally think that cancer and rape are not things to be joking around about, maybe because my grandpa just got cancer, and i've heard a pretty vicious rape story about someone i sorta know. Anyways, although i wouldn't agree with it, i guess some people may find such terrible things funny, but if someone is personally attached to someone affected by these issues, it can be very real, and devastating. So, no rape and cancer should not be joked about. They are very real things that destroy lives, and nothing about that is funny. :ph34r:
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  • 6 months later...
Joking about cancer and rape in my opinion is trully not funny it is way off limits in answer to your question

It depends on how it's joked about.


"Susie never shuts up, she has cancer of the mouth", meaning that she talks so much that it's a killer to everyone else.


"I wish that child molesting [b-word] would go to jail so he can get his [butt] raped by the other inmates!"


As far as making fun of them in normal circumstances, ie a person having real cancer or really being raped.. No, it's not funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mother survived cancer, so I'm definitely not insensitive to those with it.


To name a disease or condition, and refer to a person or a part of them, it is commonly meant to indicate a flaw about that person. No one (in their right mind) actually WANTS to have cancer, so to say that someone has cancer of the mouth means that someone has an uncontrollable urge to talk and that it's a bad thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
There are horrible topics that have horrible sitations where there is no humor. However, depending on how the joke is set up, you can have humor. Just try to be sensitive to the audiance. For example, my cousin and I were laughing about how their dog Bootsy, poor poor blond Bootsy, was raped repeadidly by two neighbor dogs in their old neighborhood. Rape: Not funny. Bootsy Rape: Combine me and my cousin and the topic's hilarious.
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