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A Rap (1 bad word)


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My man, he was shark

The story of the break up,

I was chilling in the park

I saw him reading a book

With a big stupid look

There his hands were holding anothers

No it wasnt his sisters or mothers

She was forigen

Wearing Raulph Lauren

My temper was roaring

I saw him with the new girl *Lynn

He looks at me then his fingers unlace

Drops that stupid grin

I scream in his face


I was turning brick red

Then I saw the book he read

They were love songs

He was singing to the girl

I see him again

Now I'm about too hurl

The book

That he took

From his house

We used to sing

It was about our loving thing

I left him in the dust

I left him there

It just wasn't right

Its not just damn fair


*Changed her name

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