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to Payton


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Yeah payton my bestest friend wanted me to write this for her! I <3 YOU!:)



Its not that hard to explain

What you mean to me

But I will write it in these words

And then you can see.


You help me out so much

And we call eachother every night.

We may cry, and we may laugh

God damnit! Were fricken tight


Your so caring

And your "violent" I may tell you

But You know im just kidding

And I hope you know that too!


We have had so much laughs this summer

And we havent fought at all

And when ever I yell your name

Your there to answer my call.


Your beautiful inside and out

And your very caring as well,

If I would ever say a secret,

Your sure not to ever tell.


As I have said before

You are my very best friend

And I know will be that way

Until the very end.

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