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You say you promise,

and you say you are sorry.

But until you keep that promise,

and mean that sorry;

A promise is just a promise,

and a sorry is just a sorry.


You promised you wouldn't do that,

but yet you still did;

so you said you were sorry.

So you promised you wouldn't do it again,

but yet you did,

and once again you said you were sorry.


You say I’m your best friend?


Well then why do you go behind my back,

break those promises, and say you are sorry?

You think a sorry is going to make everything

alright, and make me feel better.

Well, really the promise is what makes

me feel better, knowing you had kept it.


You said you promised more than once,

and said you were sorry more than twice.

But once again those words are just words.


Until you can show me that you

really can keep your promises,

and mean you are really sorry.

Those words are just words,

having a meaning of absolutely nothing.

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