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There are not a whole lot of rules, people, when it comes to poetry. However, being the founder type thing of the poetry forums, I feel I must share with you this bit of information.

In poetry, there are these set things, which good poets do not dare go near. They are called the Seven Deadly Sins of Poetry.

Looking through all those poems, I noticed one thing: they're all sad! People, good poetry does not mean "Sad, DIsturbing, or Suicidal!" One of the Seven Deadly Sins of Poetry is called the "Oh, Woe is me!" Poem. lets try to stay away from those =)




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Kimmi, I know exactly where you are coming from.


However, Lacey is right. You do seem to have some talent and the desire to improve. Why not ask for a list of the 7 deadly rules and try to come up with poetry that doesn't go against them?


Poetry is about feelings yes.. but it can also be about images.. the things you see and descrbing them so that people can see them though YOUR eyes.


My favorite poet is Robert Frost. I suggest you look some of his work up for examples of some very good poetry. :)

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