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*waves* Hi


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Hiya, I'm new and just thought I'd say a quick hello.


Sobeliz and your admin got me here (they found a cattle prod was a most amusing way of getting me to join. Works every time    :P) so I thought I'd CHECK out the forums, and I gotta say, they look great. The design is fantastic.     style_emoticons/default/nod.gif


Sobeliz was naggin me to post as well, so I thought I'd better do it (I dunno how vicious she can turn, and I don't really wanna find out either). So, here I am.


I'll be quiet now, and go back to sitting in my corner. I'll look forward to talking to loads of people here.



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I do not nag...and I am perfectly harmless style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


Right Fluffy? style_emoticons/default/wink.gif


SoBeLiz fluffs the rat


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):
Just gimmie a SoBe n I'll sit in a corner or box and won't bug anyone. I swear
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SoBeLiz hops out of box and gently puts the empty bottle with the rest


Now to wander the forums style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


SoBeLiz wanders out INTO another forum





Spoiler (Highlight to Read):
30 secs? No no no..one must drink a sobe slowly...to enjoy it...I never can tho...hmmm
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All I have to say is...watch out for flying trout and other animals (Giant Moose?!) in the chat room.  They get violent in there sometimes!!




I'm in San Diego now for the second half of my trip...just wanted to say hi!  Hope everyone is HAVING a splendid week.  Talk to you on Sunday when I get back to the east coast.

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