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The Handicapped


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Approximately two months ago, my sister had been hit with a serious illness, nearing death. After a month in the Intensive Care Unit, being in a coma for nearly four days, and a lot of machines supporting her, she recovered - not completely, but it was a "miracle" she lived - nearly every organ in her body had shut down. HAVING said that, there were a couple set backs to a full recovery. It seems the blood and oxygen was deprived FROM her feet and hands to keep her organs working - it's a body's natural instinct (when you're outside during the winter, your hands and feet are the first to get cold so your body can stay warm). So, needless to say, she had some fingers and half her legs removed.


Now, she's her old self but with detachable legs and no fingers. However, this hasn't stopped her FROM anything. To stay occupied in the hospital (let's face it, it can be boring there), she decided to color with crayons and a coloring book. The nurse told her, "Let me know when you need another color". "No need. Just bring me a styrophone cup.", my sister replied. The nurse asked no questions and set after a cup. When my sister received the cup, she poked holes all in it and stuck crayons in them so she could grab them for herself. If that wasn't quick thinking, adaptability, and strong-willed, I don't know what is.


My point in this post is: Do any of you know any amazing things, stories about someone who is handicapped? If so, let's us know because they're incredible, I must say.


:flirt: - Monopolized

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I interned and volunteered with Special Olympics Virginia this past summer.  It was wonderful.  Our first big job of the summer was to coordinate the Virginia Summer Games.  All of the athletes and their families were amazing.  It was so awesome to be able to see people with handicaps and disabilities excel in the sports they love.  I don't personally know of many people that can honestly lift over 400lbs like it's nothing...but to see people...CHILDREN, even...lift that much in the Powerlifting competition...needless to say, you find yourself sitting there with your mouth hanging open.  I really wish that I could volunteer with them year round, but unfortunately the activities of the SOVA office up here in Harrisonburg don't correspond well with my schedule...and I still have Big Brothers, Big Sisters up here.  If I could tell one story about how great the athletes are, I might try...but there are too many to talk about...and they are all the best.  


Anyway...I'm sure I'll have a little more to say here later...for now I must go, though...

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First and foremost, thank you for everything you've done.


Second, 400lbs? omg - I'm lucky to lift 40. lol


People with disabilities amaze me. It's not just the adapting part, it's the mentality as well. For example:


I believe I was in 7th grade (My first year in a new school). I knew this guy named John - great guy, couldn't possibly be any better. He walked with a limp, though. I figured maybe he had surgery or he was born like that. I never really thought about it and I never asked anyone. He had such long legs, though. I remember always bumping them under the table. And, it was odd, I'd say, "Oh, I'm sorry, John. Didn't mean to." He'd always look at me like he didn't know what I was talking about. This puzzled me but life went on - I never asked.


One day, we had a "Field Day". For those who don't know what this is, it's like a day of no studying or homework - we'd fly kites, play basketball, four-square, etc. all day long. All of a sudden, everyone started laughing. I looked over and there was John being a goofball as usual - he was hopping around with his leg raised above his head, in his hand.


For almost a year, I never knew. No one ever talked about it, he never acted like it bothered him, he always wore shorts (that's just how real it looked), he was never in a bad mood and he was always the one to cheer someone up if they needed it. There again, it all made sense. When I bumped his leg accidently, he didn't feel it. He walked with a limp because he couldn't bend his knee.


My point being: John never let this get him down. If anything, he had fun with it. He was just an amazing guy...

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