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Shame on me...


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I'm in class and I'm posting.    :E-o:    Actually, class starts in about 1 minute, so I'm not doing anything wrong yet.  And once class starts I can't post because my professor can see my computer screen.


I just wanted to say that I hate black ice...I'm really disliking snow...I don't like HAVING to take the bus...but I do like the nice girl who I randomly walked up to and asked for a ride.  She made a little trip out of her way to DROP my butt of.  Thank you girl-who's-name-I-didn't-get...you made a bad day better.  For now, at least.  Around 11 I'll be grumpy...lucky for you guys that I can't get back to a computer to post until at least 2:30, so you won't have to hear me complain until then.  I'll post more about the nice girl and what not in my journal later.  I guess I should go now.  My professor is pacing around waiting for the stragglers to get in here...hooray for MS Access...bleh.  Bu-bye.

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I did thank her...when I got out of her car.  And she lives in my apartment complex, so I know I'll see her around.


Anyway...scratch the "making a bad day better" part...this day sucked.  The only good thing...my weekend is officially here already.  For some reason, though, that doesn't make everything look better at this point.

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