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On a new host (and other stuff)...


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New hosting company...

I had decided some time ago that if I didn't get more space on my current host at tera-byte.com, that I would be switching to a new hosting company if that other company met my requirements when my time would be up for renewal. Well from the title of this topic, you can guess that I found a new host. Don't get me wrong, tera-byte.com is a very reputable hosting company, and I have nothing against their quality of service or anything else. I just wanted more space for my site and there were other goodies to go along with the hosting package. So if you need a hosting company, tera-byte.com is still a great choice if they meet your requirements.


The new hosting company is 1&1 (1and1.com). The package I'm using gives more storage space and more bandwidth (not that the bandwidth had ever been an issue for my site...
) There are other goodies, but I'm not going to get into all that right now. I will say though that I have noticed a better response when it comes to speed on the website. That's always a good thing.




Upgraded the software for these forums. I'm still doing a few tweaks here and there, and I haven't quite finished with everything as of yet, but for now, it's a slight upgrade. I'll probably be going through some of the forums where I have news feeds coming in, and deleting/purging the older news articles, to try to trim down some of the excessive usage. I'll be updating the Blog and sometime soon, the Gallery too, as well as the Arcade and the games, so everything will be all caught up.



Wait, there's more...

With the new space allowed, I'll be giving more space to my Dacity members to use in their galleries, PM's they can store, file attachments for posts, etc. So the site won't seem quite as restricted as it did in the past. I will make another announcement when all of these things are done.


I also have a new website up and waiting for new members at
where you can come and gripe about things that are bothering you. Remember, when things are getting to you, don't get mad, get N*Raged!



Have fun everyone, and be sure to visit the new site!

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