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Dacity down time


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Date: Saturday, October 14, 2006

Maintenance window: 02:00 - 05:00 MDT (08:00 - 11:00 UTC)

Expected duration: 3 hours

I received an email notifying me of downtime. This will be due to a small move of the computers that the server is running on. So on Friday night/Saturday morning (or might be Saturday night/Sunday morning), between those hours, don't be surprised if the site fails to respond. This will be happening about a week from this post.


So that everyone can understand the listed times in the quote...

4am eastern, 3am central, 2am mountain, 1am pacific



A few questions that I know will be asked...


Will I be able to read and reply to posts? No. The site will be down.


Will I be able to play the arcade games? No. The site will be down.


How about reading the blogs? No. The site will be down.


Can I get into the chat? Sure! Just not using this site.


Will the site be down? No, I'm just saying it will be down to explain why it'll be down.


Does this mean I'm banned? Sure, consider it a ban that should last only a couple of hours if you want.


Can I access the site while it's down? Um, if I had to place any bets, I would lean towards "No".

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