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Next upgrade of forums


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The company that makes the software that I use for these forums has released a beta version (means it's still being tested to get problems fixed).


If you want to take a look at and sign up it it, go to http://beta.dacity.com/


Please keep in mind though that anything that you post or do WILL get erased. So go ahead and sign up, make a few silly posts and have fun. If you find ANY problems, please post about them here, and then I will address them to the company (those that haven't already been found and fixed).


One known problem so far is the gallery, images cannot be uploaded so don't worry about it.


Some of the new things to look for, and this is just a few brief items..

-New look and style to members profiles

-Can leave comments in members profiles

-New editor for making posts (nicer looking too!)

-Different voting/poll style (try it out!)

-A 'friends' feature - this is your buddies, but you can click "My Friends" at the top and see who's online


There are other features but I'll let you all find them for yourselves. :)

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Did you delete all the other things on it?
What was already on there is gone. That was Beta-1 that you first saw. Now it's on Beta-2.


I won't upgrade these forums until after it has reached the final stage and even then I'll wait a day or two first, because I want to make sure that I don't lose anything or encounter any problems.


Still important for everyone who wants to take a look-see to go sign up though because any problems that are found need to be reported to be fixed. It helps out for this site as well as others that use the same software.


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When ya change things around will we all be newbies all over again?
No. When I feel it's ready, I'll upgrade the forums here, and just like a year ago, it'll keep the members and posts.


The beta board is the stuff that won't be kept. :)

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