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Yin & Yang


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Yin & Yang


I am no angel

I haven’t white wings

No halo of gold

No robe I wear

No harp I play


I am no devil

I haven’t horns on my head

No red tail behind me

No pitchfork I carry

No fire beneath me


Neither good

Nor bad

I’m only me

Simply put

I’m yin & yang


I’m no angel

I’m no devil

I’m only the voice

Inside your head

Sitting on your shoulder


I’m not a complete angel

I’m not a complete devil

I’m a little bit of both

Keeping you from danger

I’m yin & yang


I am part angel

Wisdom, wise

Knowledge & compromise

Healing memories wounds

As best I can


I am part devil

Sneaky, demented

Tortured & devious

Drown you in your pain

I’ll make you scream


I guide you through

Keeping always with you

I am life everlasting

I am understanding

I am yin & yang

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