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An Inconvenient Truth

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I saw Al Gore's film about global warming. It is personal and convincing. Gore sees the burning of fossil fuels as increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the atmosphere is retaining more of the sun's heat. Temperature is rising. Glaciers are receding. Polar caps are melting. Ocean water is warming and driving hurricanes. Gore links Katrina to global warming. He compares his warning to that of the Nazi threat before World War II and to the warning of the effects of smoking. He invokes Carl Sagan's pale blue dot as an image of the smallness of our planet and its vulnerability. Man has become a force of nature with the capacity for implementing destructive climate changes unless he alters old habits.


I am sympathetic to Al Gore's cause, At the same time, there is another inconvenient truth. This is the truth of 9/11 and the fact that we are better off with a Republican government as long as there are Muslim extremists whose goal it is to destroy the United States. These fanatics do not differentitate between our political parties. They would kill us all. George W. Bush has defended and continues to defend America. If Bin Laden and al Qaeda have such little regard for human life, they are certainly impervious to the effects of global warming.

Edited by Jim Colyer
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I saw Al Gore's film about global warming. It is personal and convincing. Gore sees the burning of fossil fuels as increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the atmosphere is retaining more of the sun's heat. Temperature is rising. Glaciers are receding. Polar caps are melting. Ocean water is warming and driving hurricanes. Gore links Katrina to global warming. He compares his warning to that of the Nazi threat before World War II and to the warning of the effects of smoking. He invokes Carl Sagan's pale blue dot as an image of the smallness of our planet and its vulnerability. Man has become a force of nature with the capacity for implementing destructive climate changes unless he alters old habits.

I don't buy into that media fearmongering bull****. There is conflicting information everywhere, but I will believe what I will. If you have any information that's not from our ex-prez who is trying to keep in the news, I'll listen to it.


The media ALWAYS blows things out of proportion. Use Y2K as an example. Use Y2K1 as an example of them trying to build fear when they were proven WRONG. Yes, glaciers could be melting. What they don't tell you is exactly how long it would take for them to move at all. I believe the last source I read said something to the effect of 12000 years. Also, the last source that I saw said that the polar ice caps were actually growing.


Ah, what do I know? In so many years, the sun will go supernova on us and burn us to a crisp no matter what we do. Don't give me that "Humankind will be in another star system by then" spiel. We will most likely have wiped ourselves out and rendered the planet into either 1) a cold, useless, dead planet or 2) many little bits floating around the solar system by that time.


I am sympathetic to Al Gore's cause, At the same time, there is another inconvenient truth. This is the truth of 9/11 and the fact that we are better off with a Republican government as long as there are Muslim extremists whose goal it is to destroy the United States. These fanatics do not differentitate between our political parties. They would kill us all. George W. Bush has defended and continues to defend America. If Bin Laden and al Qaeda have such little regard for human life, they are certainly impervious to the effects of global warming.

Mostly opinion. Why again is a Republican government better?


And George W. Bush is defending our company? Sure. Name a Bush who has been in any combat section of the military in the past ten years. Not just been in one of those sections, but actually been fighting. Can't? Didn't think so. BUSH isn't fighting. He's forcing decent working citizens to fight battles that he never has to see the effects of. Put a gun in his daughter's hands and send her to Iraq. Maybe, just MAYBE, good old GW will see what it feels like when someone who is close to them dies in another country.

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I am sympathetic to Al Gore's cause, At the same time, there is another inconvenient truth. This is the truth of 9/11 and the fact that we are better off with a Republican government as long as there are Muslim extremists whose goal it is to destroy the United States. These fanatics do not differentitate between our political parties. They would kill us all. George W. Bush has defended and continues to defend America. If Bin Laden and al Qaeda have such little regard for human life, they are certainly impervious to the effects of global warming.


I can dig the entire global warming scenerio although I do not need Al Gore to tell me it is happening. We are killing our planet and us along with it yet another reason for me not to bring a child into this world.



Troy I agee with you on your second point I could not have said it any better dude. Both Rum and I have family members over there fighting for that miserable lie and we have had one cousin come back with no legs and now his life is beyond hell yes Bush you are a coward and a liar. The blood of all the people who have lost their lives in your war for the almighty oil is on your hands. Our Republican government if full of sh*t and they need to get the hell out hell the sooner the better.

Edited by Pink20
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