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On the level

Mystic Rose


Oh my I came by earlier and I guess the site was having problems, so I come on in again and I thought I was logged off but I was not go figure.


I’m stressed out and frustrated with school, so I’ve been really emotional for the past few days.


The pure fustration of it all.


I just feel I am lerning more when I go to the vets and work hands on than in the classroom.


School is at a point where I don’t feel like I’m learning much.


Both J and C have had to listen to me complain about all the things about school that suck.


Thanks guys.


I have been watching the Ghost Hunters marathon on and off eh soon the super bowl.


Meh I am only hanging with everyone because Jay will be here to night.


He called and is running a little late.


Gosh I hate football, but I want to be with him.


Anyway, that’s all for now.




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