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A Poem

Mystic Rose


I Promise




Poem By: Megan Cruz



"This Is My Promise Of Love To You"


I promise to give you the best of

myself and to ask no more than

you can give in return.


I promise to accept you the way you

are, I fell in love with you for the

qualities, abilities, and outlook on

life that you have. I won't try to shape

you into any different image...


I promise to respect you as a person,

as someone with your own interest,

desires, and needs, and to realize that

they are sometimes different from my own.


I promise to share with you my time

and close attention and to bring joy,

strength, and imagination to our relationship.


I promise to keep myself open to you

and to let you see through the

window of my personal world into

my innermost fears, feelings,

secrets, and dreams.


I promise to grow along with you

and to be willing to face change

together in order to keep our

relationship alive and exciting.


Finally, I promise to love you with

all I have to give and with all I feel

inside in the only way I know how

"completely and forever".




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