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A long week but good

Mystic Rose


11:07 pm I am so so titred I worked till 10:00 pm plus uni = tired.


I am on call at the animal hospital and they have been calling me in um wow to work nights mostly.


I take uni work sometimes it is slow.


I am tired.


Uni homework . I got a lot of things knocked out but I still got lots to do.


I will spen the rest of this evening relaxing.


Bed soon.


I will see Jay tomorrow and I have to work but I will have the night to be with Jay.


I am tired.


The weekend should be really nice.


I got plans for the evening tomorrow with Jay and some friends, so it should be really nice and I’m looking forward to it.


I’m really tired right now.


Gotta get up early tomorrow.


Gonna be a good day.


Lookinig forward to it.


I hope y'all have a really nice weekend.


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