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Mystic Rose


If There's...


If there's one face I want to see,

so beautiful, so true,

one smile that makes a difference,

to everything I do.


If there's one touch I long to feel,

one voice I long to hear,

whenever I am happy,

or just needing someone near.


If there's one joy, one love,

from which I never want to part,

it's you, my very special love,

my world, my life, my heart.


- John Ragland -





If time could stand still, I’d freeze it here,

So you’d always hold me, close and near.

In your arms, where I’m meant to be,

Filled with the perfect love you’ve given me.


A bond so strong, a hold so tight,

To know you’re the one; my ‘Mr. Right’.

A blessing sent from up above,

In you I’ve found my one true love.


Our lives entwined to be as one,

Upon this journey we’ve just begun.

Where you and I will find no less,

Than eternal love and happiness.


- Kelley Saint -



What I Love About You


I love the way you look at me,

Your eyes so bright and blue.

I love the way you kiss me,

Your lips so soft and smooth.


I love the way you make me so happy,

And the ways you show you care.

I love the way you say, "I Love You,"

And the way you're always there.


I love the way you touch me,

Always sending chills down my spine.

I love that you are with me,

And glad that you are mine.


- Crystal Jansen -



Perfection in my Eyes


All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,

And for us to be together, to never be apart.


No one else in the world can even compare,

You're perfect and so is this love that we share.


We have so much more than I ever thought we would,

I love you more than I ever thought I could.


I promise to give you all I have to give,

I'll do anything for you as long as I live.


In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,

By the way you look at me I know we will last.


I hope that one day you'll come to realize,

How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.


- Ashley Borden -


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