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New Years Eve 2006



Well C and me are off to a party tonight yay good times man looking forward to dancing, drinking, and getting some tonight ringing in the new year with a bang if ya will ---- Looking towards da future big time and I plan to make 2007 the best year I can yay me. Leaving the past behind and moving on ya know Ahhh well . . . here it is. The last day of 2006. Looking back . . .

Life has been really great. I have a really great guy that loves me and vice versa, my sis is with me and we both are doing great (my family in general all good), we are all healthy nothin' major, and well it is all good in da hood yo.

And so I look forward to 2007. I'm eager. Excited. Anxious to see what this new year will bring. Life is so filled with love, and hope, and joy . . . that these things, I'm sure, will only be magnified as each day comes and goes in 2007.








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