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Always by: B.A. Swaggerty

Mystic Rose



By Brandon A. Swaggerty


The day you were born, the whole world was blessed

These thoughts in my mind to you I must confess


The time has come for me to express my true feelings

You are the center of my thoughts and the essence of my being


What you have brought me I never thought I could procure

The gift of comfort, with you I am secure


For you have lifted me up from a life filled with sorrow

And made me realize there is always a better tomorrow


It amazes me how someone can make me feel this way

I love you more and more with each passing day


You brighten my days and lift my spirits

I have felt this for so long and now want you to hear it


So you may know the place you hold in my heart

You are always with me even when we're apart


I truly believe what we have is meant to be

Just open your heart and soon you shall see


What I am willing to do to keep a smile on your face

Just know that I'm here and will be always


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