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Glad it is Friday

Mystic Rose


Glad it is Friday wow I have had a very long week.


Seems like it would never come to an end.


Went to uni to see about my grades and I am happy. A 3.9 gpa for my first semester in uni.


I worked very hard.


K I am bored.


I am surfing the internet and yes my butt is numb.


I am also waiting on Jay to come over we are going to have dinner together.


Watch a movie from Netflix.


J and C are out for the night so it will be Jay and me alone oh my. :blush:


I am really hungry.


The weather continues wet. I wish the rain would just stop.


Take a break.


I am hungry and my butt is numb.


I am hungry and my butt is numb.


BUTT CRAMPS!!!! :lol:


Oh my I have been living here with smy sister way too long.




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