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Like the new changes on here ..........



Wow Like I am digging the changes and I have to get used to them aaaaaahhhhhhhhh just when ya get used to some things they change on ya but naw looking way cool.


Cool is also the fact that I slept in this morning my poor sister had to go to class and it was pouring. I felt kinda guilty 'cause I am done with my semester and she is still going to class etc...... like my guilt did not last all that long. As for work I start back on Saturday still pt though which is cool with me I will slack like the slacker I can be at times. Need to eat lunch kinda craving some choc fudge brownie yummy oh maybe I will bake some what the hell. I feel out of sorts today, I think its the whole end of term thing, I always feel a little low at this time cos everythings changing, but that feeling goes away. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/dream19/smileys%20only/harhar.gif --- The trick is to keep busy there are things I do need to do around the house clean and stuff. YUK!


WOOT! WOOT! its almost xmas ya baby!!! http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/dream19/smileys%20only/yay.gif I LOVE XMAS. BIG TIME.......Love getting presents and yeah giving them as well -- - Got my man a cool gift finally arrived yesterday and I am hiding it --- I know he is going to love what I have in store for him. :eyebrow: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/dream19/smileys%20only/x_cors3D.gif


There is Ben and Jerry in da house oh with a brownie yep damn cravings. Well like I am off to eat some lunch and bake. Then the gym. HA! HA! http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a371/dream19/smileys%20only/happy097.gif


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