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The end comes this week

Mystic Rose


of my semester at uni of course.


I had a lab final today went well.


All papers are handed in waiting to see my grades.


Again I am tired my neck and shoulders are in pain at the moment.


I feel good today my state financial aid money has arrived. I am an official Floridian now gag!!!!


Will help me in so many ways.


Pays to get good grades.



My butt is numb...


I have been at my desk studying if I study on my bed I fall asleep and C is in the kitchen making dinner.


I can not handle the noise.


I need silence when I study.




I now have an hour to go eat dinner. So I have been told.


I find myself on here again in the same chair that has numbed my butt.


Writing on here and checking my email etc.....


I really can not feel my butt.


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