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Online Shopping rocks da house .....



Coolio for online shopping *raise da roof* :lol:

I have been sitting here doing my Christmas shopping all morning and I think I am almost done. Online shopping is a life saver. I hate crowds and I hate people at times so online shopping is for me yeah for me. It really is so much less stressful to sit at your computer with a nice hot cup of coffee in your jammies rather than getting dressed, stressed and hitting the mall while fighting for the last cashmere sweater at Macy's. If ya all do not know what I am talking about then Try it, you'll like it. I have been really good saving up some money so.......... :)



My list is as follows:


ME ME ME :lol:

My man

my sister

the one sibling name I pulled outta a hat (long story)

my boss

my pal Jay

oh yep the folks .....................THE END! BYE BYE


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