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Monday oh Monday

Mystic Rose


Uni I went earlier than usual today. Oh my way earlier. I am really very sleepy and very tired having trouble focusing on the keyboard.


My mind is mushy.


What an ugly day so cloudy and the rain. Brings me down these kind of days.


I am also sad um I blame it on the holidays and the fact that I am so far away from the rest of my family. I cried this morning. :(


Um I want to switch it here. I love to sit on a bench or just about anywhere I can find a spot on one of the many uni campus quads and I people watch.


Today I saw a very romantic thing. I love romance always have and now even more well back to my story.




A rainy/cloudy kinda day, a couple walking carefully on the campus quad.


The boy almost tripped on himself trying to keep the girl from getting wet.


They held on their hands walking side by side.


The girl wiped the rain drops carefully from her face.


As she flirted with the boy.


The boy stood there and smiled.


The girl put her hands on the boy's face.


They kissed.


The boy and girl then ran off to the nearest building laughing to dry off all the rain.


As they get closer to me I hear the boy tell the girl "I love you."


And the girl replies "I love you."




That's what I like about people watching at times if you watch close enough you can share in the romance.



I am such a mushy gal.


Here is an idea of a campus quad. Um see pretty on a nice day. :)




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