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Its love, its love, its love...

Mystic Rose



Its love, its love, its love…



Its love, its love, its love-

I am going crazy, I am going mad;


Its so sensuous, its kind of

awesome and blithe

to be in love, to be in your thoughts;


Its love, its love, its love-

I am going crazy, I am going mad;


When I miss you, my heart feels the heat;

When I am with you, every

moment becomes sweet;


Its love, its love, its love-

I am going crazy, I am going mad;


Sans you my days become lengthier,

so do my nights turn out to be;

I am still in a maze which season is this;


Its love, its love, its love-

I am going crazy, I am going mad;


Simple words become splendid odes-

courtesy your so sweet ways, voice

and thoughts;


Its love, its love, its love-

I am going crazy, I am going mad;


- To my Love


Senthil Kumar


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