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Oh! the Pain

Mystic Rose


I managed to finish one of my research papers late last night and with a huge tooth ache.


I did not go to class headed to the dentist office very early this morning I was the first one there oh my thank you Lord I was taken cared of in such short notice.


It is my nerve that is the cause of the pain and I may need a root canal oh my I so hate this the pain and the money it will cost.


The health insurance I do have does not cover dental.


I was in her office for three very long hours.


She told me it does not look good for the love of God I brush three times a day I even have a toothbrush/toothpaste in my school bag for when I eat lunch on campus and I have a root canal issue.


All the pain is now beginning to cause a headache I need the motrin to kick in I guess um I hate pain.


I think I will just go to bed maybe get some sleep and pain or no pain get back to that last research paper.




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