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College Life

Mystic Rose


Starts for me on Monday my very first official day and yes I am nervous. I have taken some time to check out the campus where to park oh and where to eat the bookstore etc.... this place is huge.


I will be a full time student and working pt at tthe vets is still in the cards even though I am not making huge amounts of money but the expierance alone is priceless.




Right now I watching OLTL with Julie who came into the room and plopped herself on the love seat, writing here and checking out OD.


Multi tasking eh!


Feel bad for my sis she has been in so much pain.


My academic advisor is pretty cool he has been a great help to me huge.


I was required to talk to a general advisor when I first enrolled.


Then I was required to talk to a departmental advisor. This one is periodically from what I hear.


So see fun fun and more fun.


I have a partial scholarship and then there is the student loans.


This college thingy is NOT CHEAP. :angry:


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