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|xLife before was cold;; cold and emptyx|





Not looking forward to this week.

Last full week of school and I really have to get my haad down and get on with it.

I really have to fix my print in art and get it ready for scanning when we get back

I also have the essay final draught due on wednesday this week. I'm kinda fixing it just now by typing basicly my last drught again and i'll talk to the teacher about it in class.


English essay hasn't to be finished but we've got to do like 3 parts to it for tuesday. (timing sucks)

Also i have no lunch on monday or tuesday becaus i'm going up to chemistry to make darn sure i pass this test x.x so yeah i have those tests on wednesday and thursday,

Biology test tomorow and we've had like no revision classes so i'm basicly going to have to worship my notebook and hope to god i remember all the right things.

I'm going back to nicoles on tuesday to study for chemistry with her and andrew also =O

so yeah. Busy week

of course after next week its hollidays

I need to get my dad a birthday present and ashley.


and i wanted to go to the catty next week too ;.;

But hey

3rd of jully i'm shipped off to egypt to relax for 2 weeks


I will miss the hell outta my friends but i neeed it soososososo bad >.< <_<

better get back to that essay



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