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Ooh yeash

okay I've been away from here for a while but I'm back feelin good but got kicked out of summer school for a day.. gotta huge swollen bruise on my hand now lol.. anyway that's all I feel like typing



OMG I'm soo happy!

OMG! I'm soo freaking happy that I have my account back. I'm going to post some of the pics that I drew, so stop by the Gallery and see them sometime. nothing more to say.... except for... I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!



The Common "Cold" is such a bitch

Damn... I am sooo sick right now.I now that most of you don't care,but I just want to say that the Common "Cold" is a Bitch.God!!>.< So anyway...tonight is not a very good one.My sister and her Kid is moving out . style_emoticons/default/sleep.gif Just because my Step-dad had to get drunk last night and start the fighting. So i'm mad about that now.Not much to say so uh..yeah whatever. style_emoticons/default/dry.gif



Wednesday,August uh... 17th I think

Right now I'm very tired and may go to bed. I finally have tried out the Blogs, and I think that the're cool.I have Nothing much to say so i'm going to go. style_emoticons/default/wink.gif            



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