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..¤Bruises On My Heart¤..
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Well hey! Im a little hyper right now because Im so cited for blogging! Im glad they got it on here. Like a half hour ago..Me being dense asked Wolfie to get a blogging thing up on here. Well Not knowing..I looked on Dacity.com and THEIR it was! I was like "Wow! Talk about fast response." But yeah, Wolfie thought it was pretty funny..But I didnt! But nothing has really happened today. My ex-boyfriend Chris is still cerazy about me as always..and Wow hes like..psychotic. Its cerazy! I feel so bad
Today is another boring day in Kindablondes life..Unfortunately. Today consisted of getting up at freakin' 10:00 am style_emoticons/default/mad.gif , and watching music videos! Wooo! At about 2:30 I watched "Love Story" about a man and a woman who fall in love and their parents dont approve because shes poor and hes really rich, and she ends up dying of cancer..and wow! What a tearjerker. I <3 those movies though. Newhos.. I am very VERY bored right now today, and Payton I think is g
omfG! i am so stoked for school. I had confrences today, and gewd GOD! They are good classes. Like all of them r right by my locker. and Its High school! How cool is that?! I am like comparing classes with all my friends its nutz! Neways.. Have you guys heard Nickelbacks new song??? "Photograph" well I suggest you download that sucker right away. It is a really really good song. Anyways! I have a new boyfriend..<3. His name is Travis. And hes a grade older than me. Hes hott too..styl
Well I havent really gotten to tell you a little about myself
¤14 years old, and Im going into 9th grade.
¤Brown hair..for now:P Hazel eyes, and Im about 5'5'-5'6
¤I have alot of friends and I like to hang out!
¤Theatre this year!
¤Reading: Gossip Girl series, Summer Boys<3, and others!
¤Music: HIM, Mariah Carey, Nickelback, Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Hilary Duff, all sorts of music!
Thats about it!
Hey ya'll shexy,
Well today, was ok I suppose. Until about 10 mins ago!..:@..
Well I went to the orthodonist app. today! And Yeah my sister needs braces and I get like fake teeth on top of my real teeth. Idk what its called. Because I have spaces and im so stoked. I want good teeth!
Anyways.. My old boyfriend Chris..god. He is still "in love with me" and its getting very old. His whole summer sucked because he wouldnt and couldnt let go of me. I mean literally. I wish he would just let go
today is fricken boring. I got up at 11, came on the internet, and Watched tv. Nothing good has happened. Only 4 days till school. I am so happy because I need something to do. I feel horribly fat when I sit on my butt all the time. Yesturday night, travis came over at about 7:45 and left at midnight. We sat outside for a while and went inside and watched tv! It was fun I suppose.style_emoticons/default/smile.gif But I have to effin babysit tonight till about 3 am, with NO computer whic
mm..today Payton is here! Yeah shes my BFF! ahahaha yeah..So yeah were just sitting here. We havent done much today, watched growing up Gotti! MM! *makes a grunt noise* Johnnys hawwwwt! Hes mine. And "Carmine" is Paytons. Hes ok..I suppose. Anyways, I wrote a poem for Payton! Its pretty hott. So check that shit out! Were going to decorate our lockers today! Well I am, I am going to wait for payton for like 3 hours..style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif But ya know! Im cite-Ed! style_emoticons/defau